What Are Author Copies

Glossary > Author Copies

💬 Definition of Author Copies:

Author copies are copies of a book given by the publisher to the author free of charge. In the contract between the author and publisher, the number of author copies is usually agreed upon. This contract also prohibits the sale of such copies.

Related questions about author copies:

What do authors do with author copies?

Because the author cannot sell these copies, they can give them to friends and family or use them for marketing purposes and send them to book reviewers, influencers, or other authors to get reviews and create demand for the book. Authors can even use these copies in giveaways. 

Are author copies free?

Yes. The author and the publisher agree upon the number of copies of the final book that will be provided free to the author. This aspect is stipulated in the contract, together with other possible discounts at which the author can buy further copies. If you choose to self-publish, you usually have to order your author copies and pay for the printing and shipping costs.

How many free copies do authors get?

Traditionally published authors will discuss and agree upon the number of author copies in the contract with their publisher. If you’re a self-published author, you can order author copies from the platform you chose to publish with. 

Are contributor copies the same as author copies?

Contributor copies are copies of magazine issues in which an author’s work is published. After its publication, the author gets one or more free copies. This can be the way a publisher/magazine pays the author if the work does not come with a monetary payment.

Can authors get more copies?

Since authors can use these copies for promotional purposes, they often choose to get more copies of their books. They can certainly do this, and maybe even at a discounted rate (depending on the contract they signed).