Self-publishing platform with a global reach

Easily self-publish ebooks online, audiobooks, and print books to thousands of stores worldwide. One click, publish everywhere.

Publish for free


Online self-publishing platform for indie authors
and publishing companies

100K+ published books

30M+ global readers

39K+ stores for your print books 

240K+ digital libraries for your ebooks

Are you an author?

We help you get started with the publishing process.

Book distribution

Are you a publisher?

We act as your personal rep, ready to support at any time.

Publisher solutions

Self-publish your books online in 4 easy steps

PublishDrive is the only self-publishing platform you need.
One click, publish everywhere.

Prepare your book

It starts with a simple upload of your manuscript and cover files. Then we help you put everything together from book formatting to metadata.

Publish your book 

It takes a few clicks to publish ebook, audiobook, and print book formats in 400+ bookstores and 240K+ libraries across 100+ countries.

Promote your book

Access a suite of marketing tools and perks. Run price promotions, optimize Amazon ads, get free in-store featuring opportunities, and more.

Track your sales

Keep up with your sales performance on one dashboard. Track real-time sales, ratings, and rankings. Receive auto-royalty reports and never miss a payment.

More about book promotion

Simplifying the self-publishing and online distribution process

PublishDrive helps publish your book internationally. Distribute ebook, audiobook, and paperback formats to all major online channels including Amazon, Apple, Google Books, Ingram, and Barnes & Noble. Tap into niche channels like Dreame, Scribd, OverDrive, and many more.

More about book distribution

Self-publishing online has never been easier. One platform is all your need.

Over 20K indies are selling books online to PublishDrive's distribution network.

Not only reach but manage thousands of online libraries and bookstores around the world. Save time and energy by streamlining your gig. Worry less; write more.

Publish your books



Simple yet powerful tools for your self-published books

PublishDrive is packed with smart tools. On one dashboard, track sales in real-time, see how many units you've sold, and manage royalties across different stores and markets.

Books we are proud of

We help publish fantastic stories, for bestselling authors, independent publishers, and newbies alike.

Chillin’ in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers: Volume 1 
By Miya Kinojo

A Grey Wolves Howliday 
By Quinn Loftis

Black Child to Black Woman: An African-American Woman Coming-of-Age Story
By Cheryl Denise Bannerman

A Bond of Flame - Dragon Riders of Osnen Book 2
By Richard Fierce

Publish your books online to multiple platforms

Publishing a book doesn't need to be a complicated process. Luckily, in the age of the internet, you can publish your books online and reach readers all over the world.
Submit your books to multiple online ebook publishing platforms, and brick and mortar bookstores in just a few clicks. Self-publish and distribute your books worldwide with PublishDrive.

“I increased my book sales by 150% with PublishDrive.”

Indie Author Rachel Morgan


All-in-one self-publishing platform for ebook, audiobook, and print-on-demand

✅ Join tens of thousands of authors who increased digital book sales by 85%.

✅  Sell beyond Amazon KDP Select. Go everywhere else with major book retailers like Apple, niche channels like Dreame, and lucrative markets like China.

✅ PublishDrive is a book publishing platform that takes 0 sales commission, meaning you keep 100% of the royalties you earn.

Start for free