AI-Powered Book Metadata Generator

Book metadata is the gateway to discoverability. Our AI Book Metadata Generator will help you with every aspect of your book’s metadata journey from manuscript to marketplace.

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Book Metadata – Boost Your Title’s Findability

High-quality metadata is an industry-standard practice with many benefits.

Increased Discoverability
Optimized metadata helps your book get to the top of search results, ensuring it reaches the right audience.
Better Reader Engagement
Compelling metadata clarifies content and value, sparking interest and driving readers to explore further.
Maximize Book Sales
Clear metadata reduces buyer confusion, increasing the likelihood of positive reviews and recurring purchases.


How Does the AI Metadata Generator Work

PublishDrive's Publishing Assistant is an independent service within the platform. (Meaning, you don’t need to be distributing with PublishDrive to use our AI.)

The Book Metadata Generator is one of the AI tools under our Publishing Assistant. It analyzes your content and makes suggestions based on industry standards, from sharing title and blurb ideas to identifying relevant keywords and categories. 

The tool will find the most fitting categories on the deepest possible level in several categorization systems: Amazon, BISAC, Thema, and Apple Books.

To help you get started, you’ll receive 60 free credits, enough to upload one book and get valuable metadata recommendations.

Here’s how you can create powerful metadata. 

➡️ Step 1:

Upload your manuscript (EPUB, DOCX, or PDF) to PublishDrive's Publishing Assistant.

➡️ Step 2:Get AI recommendations for title, blurb, Amazon categories, BISAC categories, keywords, and more.

➡️ Step 3:Refine the suggestions and export it as a PDF or go straight to publishing.


AI-Powered Book Metadata Generator Features

You can generate all the following metadata components:


This is a short description of your book, typically found on the back cover or online listings. Get blurb ideas that spark people’s curiosity about your book.
Amazon categories

Amazon categories are essential if you want people to find your book faster. Plus, choosing the right ones help rank you in appropriate Amazon bestseller lists.
BISAC categories

These are industry codes used to find your book. While less granular than Amazon categories, BISAC codes are essential for industry-wide discoverability.

These are words that describe your book's content, genre, and themes. Including them in your metadata helps push your book to readers searching for those topics.

The title is your book's first contact with readers. PublishDrive's AI can analyze your book's content and genre to suggest titles that are clear, concise, and captivating.


A subtitle further clarifies your title and provides additional details about the book's plot or themes. It can be especially helpful for books with generic titles.

Series name

If your book is part of a series, our AI book Metadata Generator will include the series name in your metadata. This helps readers discover other books in the series.

Pen name

Many authors choose to write under a different name. Once it analyzes your book’s content, our Metadata Generator will suggest pen names that reflect your genre.
Price optimization

To avoid price discrepancies, the metadata generator will recommend a price for your book based on the pricing of other similar titles on the market. 


Your Publishing Assistant for Every Step of the Process

With PublishDrive's Publishing Assistant, you get powerful AI metadata recommendations in not hours, but minutes. Our tool is perfect for both pre-launch and post-publication.

Pre-Publishing Phase

Grab attention. Your book’s metadata should be ready for pre-orders and launch day. Whether you don’t have time to research everything or you need a second opinion, you can use our tool as a powerful assistant to help you get the discoverability you deserve.

Post-Publishing Enhancements

Reignite sales. If your book is not selling the way you want it to, metadata may be a contributing factor. It’s recommended to periodically revise and optimize your keywords, BISAC codes, and Amazon categories – use the AI book metadata assistant to do that easily.


Making Books More Visible and Authors More Current

PublishDrive's Publishing Assistant applies cutting-edge AI technologies to provide tailored suggestions for optimizing your book metadata. From refined keywords and Amazon categories to enhanced descriptions and BISAC category suggestions, we aim to push your books into the spotlight.

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