Art of the Title: The Self-Publishing Advice Conference’s First Competition

The Self-Publishing Advice Conference announced their first competition: Art of the Title.
In this distinctive competition, your task is to encapsulate an entire book within its title, showcasing your creativity and making it as captivating as can be.
There is no entry fee.
For submission, make sure you have:
- Title: The title of your submission should be up to seven words long and be meaningful enough to tell the essence of the story.
- Synopsis: Provide a single paragraph (up to 200 words) that describes the broader themes, settings, and characters that the title suggests.
- Original Work: Your submission must be entirely your own original work.
The Art of the Title competition is about capturing the essence of a larger book into a single title and accompanying paragraph. Their judging criteria are based on creativity, evocativeness, consistency between title and synopsis, clarity, and craftsmanship.
Their competition is now open, and you can enter by doing the following:
- Craft your title and synopsis.
- Submit your entry here.
- The closing date is Midnight UK Time on September 30, 2023.
- The winner will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube at our upcoming SelfPubCon.
They will announce the winners live during their Success Mindset for Indie Authors Conference (#SelfPubCon23). Register here for free 3-day access.
Three runner-up prize winners and one grand prize winner will get to pick from various services to help them write, publish, and promote their books. There are seven steps in publishing a book, like editing and marketing, and each winner can pick different services from these steps. The top winner gets to choose seven services, while the others choose one each.
These services are from a “Get It Written, Get It Published, Get it Read” package of services provided by ALLi Partner Members.
More information about this subject is available here.